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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ode to the European Wildcats

Winkin’, Blinkin’, and Nod one day

were introduced to a trainer quite green.
She sat like a dolt on a granite rock,
her purpose has yet to be seen.

She speaks softly, she observes, she takes notes, and she hums,
while cats hiss and spit, sulk and stew…
and occasionally look up with a glare in their eyes,
as if to say, “this is all that we do!”
                                Yes, Winkin’ and Blinkin’ are four scowly eyes
and Nod, “Social Director of Hell,”
and Tail-Up-Straight skulks the perimeter walls
for ways to breakout of his cell.
Now boredom, tedium, and a restless ennui
are perils no cat should endure,
so with a ‘click’ and a treat, I can see in their eyes,
we’re one step away from the cure.

“Cats chill! …Take a break!” ~while your trainer thinks up
all the ways tasty herring will come,
and eventually you’ll learn, “if I do this …I get that!”
Zen!  Enlightenment replaces the glum!


  1. This is too funny! Would love to see more :o)

  2. It took me hours!!!! Good thing it was a rainy day!
